Friday, August 31, 2007
Natural Relief For Arthritis And Joint Pain?
by: Laura Turner
The years of teaching high impact aerobics are catching up with me. Sure it's been great for the ticker, but the knees on the other hand are showing signs of age and making icky noises. What my Physical Therapist friends call "creep" and "crepitus" (which is just nice technical way of saying "grinding") had become loud enough to be heard by the naked ear! At the rate I was going - I was sure I'd need a knee replacement by 40. Of course this just won't do. So I've taken to doing leg extensions regularly and… taking glucosamine.
Glucosamine - What's That?
"Glucosamine" is a natural constituent of cartilage which has been shown to stimulate the production of connective tissue! In more technical terms, glucosamine is considered an "amino sugar." An amino sugar is the component of a carbohydrate which does not contribute to the body's energy - instead it gets incorporated into body tissues, forming such structures as tendons, ligaments, bones, skin, nails, eyes and heart valves.
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What is Glucosamine Used For?
Glucosamine supplements have been used most recently (according to the research I consulted) for everything from joint pain to connective tissue repair. It's best know for its contribution to tendon and ligament support, for building joint cartilage as well as reducing destruction of cartilage. It has also shown promise in reducing inflammation due to asthma and bursitis, lessen the incidence of food allergies, tendonitis and skin problems! As if that isn't enough - what I find most exciting about glucosamine is its use in relief of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
How Glucosamine Works
It's fairly basic. We produce less glucosamine as we age, therefore our cartilage has difficulty retaining water. Depletion of this fluid, which ads "cushion" to the joints and other tissues, can create everything from joint pain to arthritis. Glucosamine (together with its counterpart chondroitin - another naturally occurring substance) - helps to counteract this water loss as well as restore cartilage.
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Side Effects
So What's the bad news? I always want to know. Here's what I found: Since these substances are naturally occurring - they work on the body differently than synthetic drugs (think Prednisone) or anti-inflam's like Naproxen. This said - it takes a while to notice signs of joint help - more than likely it could take up to a year of regular supplementation before the benefits take hold. Once they do, however, 50% of all regular users have reported definite decreases in symptoms of joint pain - I will let you know! The only other downside I could find to the glucosamine/chondroitin complex users were nausea and heartburn - although they are rare and counteracted by eating prior to supplementation.
How To?
As I've just stated, always take the glucosamine/chondroitin complex with meals to avoid side effects. I take one, 500 mg tablet once a day. Dr. Mindell (I am a big fan of his work: see below) recommends taking just 1-3 500 mg. tabs daily for three weeks (to get a boost), then take one, 500 mg. tab daily.
My Usual Disclaimer:
As always, please check with your healthcare provider before supplementation - discuss with him/her any medications you are taking to avoid interactions. Although herbs and other naturally occurring substances are considered "food" (simply because they can't be patented and trademarked thus cannot come under scrutiny of the FDA) they are still very strong substances in the body and should not be taken lightly! Check out more literature - educate yourself!
My Favorite Resources (and research sources for this article) Include:
Balch, Phyllis A., CNC. Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing. New York: Penguin Putnam, 2004.
Khalsa, Dharma Singh, M.D. Food As Medicine. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003.
Mindell, Earl, R.P.h., Ph.D. The Vitamin Bible. New York: Warner Books, 2004.
Mindell, Earl, R.P.h., Ph.D. Prescription Alternatives. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
About The Author
Laura Turner is a natural health practitioner and author. She hosts and publishes the New Body News and Wellness Letter, The Online Magazine Healthy People Read. ( ) Subscribe for f.r.e.e. and receive her Special Report: "Take Charge of Your Health!" and check out her latest book: Spiritual Fitness!
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
It's All About the Calories and Exercising
by: Dennis Watson
Like most people when I was younger it seemed I could eat anything and not really ever gain weight. Well now that I’m in my forties it appears that those undisciplined days are over for good. After doing a little research I’ve come to the conclusion that my lack of activity and slowing metabolism is to blame.
Wanting to lose some weight I went out to look for that magic weight loss plan that would offer a painless process for losing weight. After reading and trying several programs I realized that they all seemed to have the same common theme – lower your caloric intake and get off your butt and do something.
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If you need to lose some weight, I recommend that you pay close attention to what you eat during the day. Go ahead and count up all of those calories you take in and calculate how many minutes you exercise. It won’t take very many days for you to figure out that you take in to many calories and don’t exercise enough. Use the information below to help you figure out where you want or need to be.
Calorie Requirements Resting Metabolic Rate represents the minimum energy needs of the body, for day and night with no exercise. Sedentary includes occupations that involve sitting most of the day. Light includes activities, which involve standing most of the day. Moderate may include walking, gardening, and housework. Active includes an occupation that requires manual labor and/or participating in a daily exercise program.
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Daily calorie allowance:
Men: Resting -- 12 per lb. body weight. Sedentary -- 16 per lb. body weight. Light-- 18 per lb. body weight. Moderate -- 21 per lb. body weight. Active -- 26 per lb. body weight
Example: I want to reach a weight of 180 lbs, to do so I plan on being moderately active, so my daily caloric intake should be 21 x 180 = 3780 calories per day.
Women: Resting -- 13 per lb. body weight. Sedentary -- 14 per lb. body weight. Light -- 16 per lb. body weight. Moderate -- 18 per lb. body weight. Active -- 22 per lb. body weight
Example: If you want to reach a weight of 130 and maintain that weight and plan on being moderately active, then your caloric intake should be 18 x 130 = 2340 calories per day.
Lastly, no matter what you decide to do go ahead and engage in regular physical activity and reduce sedentary activities to promote health. Good luck!
Copyright 2006 Dennis Watson
About The Author
Dennis Watson has been helping others promote their products or services for years through his Free Classifieds website =>
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Eating Carbs Actually Leads to Weight Loss and Health
by: Mark Hyman MD
Carbohydrates are the single most important food you can eat.
That statement probably goes against everything you've ever heard, so let me explain.
If you don't believe me, take this little test.
Think of a carb!
If you're like most Americans, bread, pasta, soft drinks, French fries, sugar, and similar foods probably flew into your mind. Yes, these foods are carbs -- highly processed and refined ones.
And if these are the kinds of carbs you consume on a regular basis, let me warn you, (unless you regularly run marathons), you're most likely either overweight or heading down the road to weight gain.
You may like them, you may consider them "comfort foods," you may think that they couldn't be so bad since they are so predominant in our current diet. But the biological bottom line is that human beings have not evolved to metabolize these types of carbohydrates.
They slow down your metabolism and contribute to every one of the major diseases associated with aging including diabetes, heart disease, dementia and cancer.
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In most, cases they are also "empty" calorie foods-the worst possible combination -- high caloric foods, low in nutrients. They deprive you of vital nutrients as well as burden your body with the task of digesting food molecules that aren't giving you anything you need.
Eating them (especially in excess) is a prescription for weight gain. But they're not the end of the carb story. If you're like most people, you may not realize that the wide world of carbs is actually much, much bigger than this limited crowd of processed carbs.
In contrast, natural carbohydrates, which come to your table just like Mother Nature made them, contain many essential nutrients and specialized chemicals that turn up your metabolism via newly discovered plant chemicals call phytonutrients.
So you have a choice: use phytonutrients to spark your metabolism into action, or drown your metabolism with indigestible nutrient-poor carbs.
Our genetic nutritional template goes back 20,000 years. Our ancestors foraged for wild food, like wild berries, grasses, roots, and mushrooms to find life-giving phytonutrients that all humans are designed by nature to eat.
On a recent vacation I found myself in a sea of phytonutrients in the wild islands of Southeast Alaska. I was foraging along with the grizzly bears for bog cranberries, blueberries, nagoonberries, raspberries, and strawberries. These scrumptious berries, bursting with phytonutrients, were smaller, richer in color and taste, (and lower in sugar) than their domestic berry cousins.
Here's a tip: The greater variety and the deeper the color of plant foods you eat, the higher their concentration of phytonutrients. The key is to learn which phytonutrient-dense foods can prevent disease and promote weight loss.
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Want phytonutrient power?
Here 's a small sample of the many superfoods that contain these powerful phytonutrients: isoflavones in soy foods, lignans in flax seeds, catechins in green tea, polyphenols in cocoa (yes, chocolate!), glucosinolates in broccoli, carnosol in rosemary, and resveratrol in red wine.
And there are hundreds more that can help you unlock the secret to natural weight loss. All of these compounds -- and dozens more -- will help you fight disease and obesity. These special compounds literally communicate with your genes and turn on messages of health and weight loss. They are key to the success people experience in losing weight on a program I've developed during my 20-years practicing medicine, called UltraMetabolism.
Before you reach for that Cinnabon, know that phytonutrients only occur in whole, unrefined, unprocessed plant foods. All vegetables (and many fruits) score high in phytonutrients, while processed carbs, like bread and pasta, have virtually none.
Here's a shorthand to distinguish between the metabolism boosters and the processed carbs that will only weigh you down:
Anything that has been packaged or put through a machine is processed (like a potato chip). Anything that comes right out of the earth is natural (like a plum).
Don't let all the terminology -- high fat, low-fat, high-carb, low-carb, high glycemic index, low glycemic index, complex carbs and simple carbs -- confuse you. The key is eating whole, real, unprocessed, food found as close to nature as possible. Now you know why your grandmother always told you to eat your vegetables!
Folk wisdom passed down the generations showed how to give the body what it needs. In the early twenty-first century, that wisdom is being confirmed in the research of leading edge scientists. So you can follow these recommendations I offer with total confidence that the latest medical science backs them up.
This new science reveals why you should never do what some ill-advised diets suggest: cut out all carbs. Not a good idea-because you also cut out all the phytonutrients (and the fiber) that only comes from whole plant foods.
Along with their obesity fighting chemicals, vitamins, and minerals to accelerate your metabolism, most whole carbohydrates are filled with healthy plant fiber to slow the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream.
And for super fast weight loss, you'll want to eat some special "super" fiber foods which I use as my secret weapon with many patients who have had difficulty losing weight. Once you incorporate them into your diet, you'll feel full, experience steady energy, and will never be tempted to overeat.
Here's a guarantee: If you've been consuming highly processed foods such as sodas, chips, and crackers, and you decide to boost your intake of those powerful phytonutrients that I've reviewed, you'll be taking the first step towards re-programming your body for automatic weight loss and health.
My dirty little secret as a doctor is that I never treat anybody specifically to lose weight; I simply help them become healthy using these and other techniques and the weight automatically comes off.
So remember, eat your carbs, but make them the right carbs!
Copyright 2006 Mark Hyman MD
About The Author
Mark Hyman, M.D. is a NY Times bestselling author, lecturer, and practicing physician. Discover how you can program your body to automatically lose weight and find out what special super fiber can help by grabbing an exclusive sneak preview of UltraMetabolism at
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Lose Weight The Natural Way While You Sleep
by: Rick Hendershot
You probably didn't know it, but one of the best times to lose weight is while you sleep. That's because the human body is designed by nature to repair itself during the hours we are sleeping.
Our bodies use sleep to repair and strengthen our muscles, joints and other parts that get tired and damaged through use and exertion during waking hours.
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This restorative process uses energy to rebuild lean muscle mass and to help rebuild other kinds of body tissue. That is worth repeating -- this rebuilding process uses energy -- and if the rebuilding process is running smoothly and efficiently, that energy comes from places in our body where energy is stored -- from fat.
In other words, the body rebuilds tissue, organs, bone, and lean muscle by burning fat.
Several things about this process are worth noting. They have an important bearing on how efficiently it works.
**Collagen is very important to the body repair process
Collagen is the most common protein found in our bodies. It is the main component of our skin, nails, bones, cartilage, and connective tissue and is found in all of the body organs. Cartilage is the cushion and shock absorber between joints, and the reason we stay flexible and mobile. Healthy cartilage is constantly being regenerated by the body naturally and this process contributes to keeping us youthful and flexible.
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As we age, our bodies lose the ability to produce collagen at sufficient levels needed to support the deep restorative sleep processes that our bodies are designed to perform. This can be a major contributor that leads to a premature aged appearance and can definitely affect our flexibility and mobility. It stands to reason that a collagen supplement combined with other natural ingredients can have a dramatic effect in better supporting the deep restorative sleep process. This in turn can allow the body to experience more energy, build more lean muscle, and burn more fat.
**Amino acids enhance the regeneration process
The rebuilding process is also influenced by the efficiency of the amino acids normally used for this purpose. As part of the rebuilding process, amino acids help maintain lean muscle mass and allow the body to more readily consume fat for energy. This contributes to weight loss.
Again, as we age, our body's production of efficient amino acids is reduced. A supplement such as L-Carnitine is a special amino acid that enhances the body's normal function and helps your body convert excess fat into readily available fuel. During deep sleep, these special amino acids work like a natural "turbo charger" to help your body repair, preserve and build lean muscle while burning stored fat to supply the needed energy.
**Not eating before sleeping is important
Since the body uses deep sleep for the restoration process, it is important when using a collagen supplement not to eat three hours before going asleep. This is because we don't want nutrient competitiion between undigested food and the collagen supplement special nutrient formula itself. If the body has to concern itself with digestion it will not absorb the collagen formula properly. Therefore your body will not be performing its natural restorative process while you sleep, but rather will be concerned with undigested foods and will actually be storing fat from the continuing digestive process rather than burning fat as the energy for the deep sleep restorative process.
This tends to put us into a "diet circle of frustration". The less time your body spends in deep restful sleep (without competing digestion), the less time it has to restore its natural health, and the less fat that is burned in support of this natural rebuilding process. Now we understand the key connection between deep restorative sleep and weight loss many times goes hand in hand with our overall health
Reducing or eliminating the intake of food three hours before bedtime allows the body to use its natural fat reserves for metabolic fuel during the deep restorative sleep cycle.
**Collagen weight loss program build on this process
A natural collagen product such as Lose and Snooze enables this natural process to once again help people lose weight. Lose and Snooze consists of a blend of Collagen, L-Carnitine and Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera). The Collagen contributes to a more youthful appearance, greater flexibility, and all round mobility and strength.
In addition to all of this, most importantly, Collagen allows the deep sleep necessary to enable your body's natural metabolic functions to occur, like when we were children. L-Carnitine promotes the burning of fat in support of the natural rebuilding, restorative process that occurs during deep sleep. The Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) contains numerous nutrients and amino acids that help create a healthy environment in support of your body's own ability to create its own collagen, in addition to the remarkable Lose and Snooze formula itself.
Thousands of satisfied users of the collagen weight loss program have reported that using the liquid formula in combination with an empty stomach before bedtime, has been beneficial to their health and has helped them naturally lose weight.
And because the collagen weight loss program only helps lose excess fat (while rebuilding muscle), it can be used by anybody -- not just people wanting to lose weight. It has also been beneficial to folks who want to enjoy better sleep, build lean muscle, improve their appearance and to reshape their body while maintaining their proper healthy weight.
About The Author
Rick Hendershot provides low cost Online Advertising - Lose Weight the Healthy Way - Online FDA Approved Prescriptions -
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Why Take A Vitamin?
Why Take a Vitamin?
Despite the fact that people are living hectic lifestyles more than ever, they are following a more healthy diet and exercising on a regular basis. You might wonder if the recommendation by the health industry to take a multivitamin every day is still valid in light of the trend of people becoming healthier. If you are eating a variety of foods, there's a good chance you are getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs to perform routine functions to keep your body healthy. However, you're not completely out of the woods.
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When you use heat to cook your food (grill, fry, bake), the heating process removes some of your food's beneficial nutrients. In addition, if you are plagued with stress or you if you are taking medication there's a chance that you are losing a significant amount of vitamins and minerals that you consume. Taking vitamins on a regular basis can increase your chances of getting all the nutrients your body needs.
The benefits of taking vitamins go beyond meeting the recommended dietary allowances. How healthy you are depends on more than just diet and the amount of exercise you obtain. There are other outside factors that can predispose you to develop certain health issues. For example, how much of a risk you have for developing cancer of heart disease is largely dependent upon whether or not others in your family developed these conditions. For some time it was believed that an individual had very little recourse in these situations. Studies conducted by Harvard University researchers revealed that taking a multivitamin every day can reduce an individual's risk to develop these conditions.
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To determine your specific needs, you should visit your doctor for a complete evaluation of your dietary needs. Your doctor will be able to recommend the type of vitamins that are best for you. It may very well be the case that a common multivitamin is all that you need. If this is the case, you can visit any nutrition center or grocery store and find aisles of multivitamins. While these preparations will contain the same basic set of vitamins, the amount of each will differ. You can determine which preparation is for you by considering which nutrients you lack. For example, if you're not a fan of milk products, you may want to choose a multivitamin that contains more calcium.
About The Author
John Collins manages A site dedicated to hosting nutrition articles from around the world.
He also helps out with Another health site giving advice for acne sufferers.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Adrenal Fatigue
by: Valerie Balandra ARNP, BC
Your adrenal glands are two tiny pyramid-shaped pieces of tissue situated right above each kidney. Their job is to produce and release, when appropriate, certain regulatory hormones and chemical messengers.
Adrenaline is manufactured in the interior of the adrenal gland, called the adrenal medulla. Cortisol, the other chemical from the adrenal gland, is made in the exterior portion of the gland, called the adrenal cortex. The cortex also secretes androgens, estrogens, and progestins. Cortisol, commonly called hydrocortisone, is the most abundant -- and one of the most important -- of many adrenal cortex hormones. Cortisol helps you handle longer-term stress situations.
In addition to helping you handle stress, these two primary adrenal hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, along with others similarly produced, help control body fluid balance, blood pressure, blood sugar, and other central metabolic functions.
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In the heightened nervous state of adrenal burnout, the body overproduces adrenaline, cortisol and other stress hormones. Constant stress and poor nutrition can weaken the adrenal glands. Eventually, this causes the adrenal glands, the front line in the stress reaction, to show wear and tear and become depleted. This frequently leads to impairment in the thyroid gland, which can cause a further decline in energy level and mood and is one of the reasons why many people have thyroid glands that don’t work well.
When stress continues over prolonged periods of time, the adrenal glands can deplete the body's hormonal and energy reserves, and the glands may either shrink in size or hypertrophy (enlarge). The overproduction of adrenal hormones caused by prolonged stress can weaken the immune system and inhibit the production of white blood cells that protect the body against foreign invaders (in particular lymphocytes and lymph node function).
Adrenal dysfunction can disrupt the body's blood sugar metabolism, causing weakness, fatigue, and a feeling of being run down. It can also interfere with normal sleep rhythms and produce a wakeful, unrelaxing sleep state, making a person feel worn out even after a full night's sleep.
Common Causes of Adrenal Stress
• Anger
• Fear / Worry /Anxiety
• Depression
• Guilt
• Overwork/ physical or mental strain
• Excessive exercise
• Sleep deprivation
• Light-cycle disruption
• Going to sleep late
• Surgery
• Trauma/injury
• Chronic inflammation
• Chronic infection
• Chronic pain
• Temperature extremes
• Toxic exposure
• Malabsorption
• Maldigestion
• Chronic illness
• Chronic-severe allergies
• Hypogycemia
• Nutritional deficiencies
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Testing for Adrenal Health
In order to determine the health of your adrenal glands you need to have a simple blood, urine, or saliva test performed by your practitioner. Cortisol levels can be checked by blood or throughout the day by a saliva test. DHEA, and Epinephrine, are some other indicators of adrenal function.
Associated Symptoms and Consequences of Impaired Adrenal Functioning
• Low body temperature
• Weakness
• Unexplained hair loss
• Nervousness
• Difficulty building muscle
• Irritability
• Mental depression
• Difficulty gaining weight
• Apprehension
• Hypoglycemia
• Inability to concentrate
• Excessive hunger
• Tendency towards inflammation
• Moments of confusion
• Indigestion
• Poor memory
• Feelings of frustration
• Alternating diarrhea and constipation
• Osteoporosis
• auto-immune diseases/hepatitis
• Lightheadedness
• Palpitations [heart fluttering]
• Dizziness that occurs upon standing
• Poor resistance to infections
• Low blood pressure
• Insomnia
• Food and/or inhalant allergies
• Craving for sweets
• Dry and thin skin
• Headaches
• Scanty perspiration
• Alcohol intolerance
Lifestyle changes such as:
Eating steadily, all day long. Skipping meals is one of the worst things you can do for your body. When you're hungry, your blood sugar drops, stressing your adrenal glands and triggering your sympathetic nervous system. That causes light-headedness, cravings, anxiety and fatigue. Another drawback to skipping meals: The resulting low blood sugar can affect your ability to think clearly and shorten your attention span.
Skipping breakfast is particularly bad, as it is a sure fire way to gain, not lose, weight. If you start each morning with a good breakfast and "graze" healthfully every two to four hours, your blood sugar will remain steady throughout the day. You'll feel more rested and energetic.
Eat protein with every meal. Eat Complex carbohydrates such as brown rice. Avoid sugar, junk food, white pasta, white rice, white bread
Absolutely NO Caffeine. Coffee/Sodas over stimulates your adrenals and they deplete important B vitamins.
Coffee does not give you energy; coffee gives you the illusion of energy. Coffee actually drains the body of energy and makes you more tired, because of vitamin and adrenal depletion.
Exercise to relax. Walking, Yoga, deep breathing, meditation, or stretching. No vigorous or aerobic exercise, which depletes the adrenals.
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Avoid alcohol, processed foods, and tobacco. Nicotine in tobacco initially raises cortisol levels, but chronic use results in low DHEA, testosterone, and progesterone levels.
Reduce stress; learn relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, progressive muscle relaxation.
Helpful Supplements
The use of small amounts of natural adrenal hormone (hydrocortisone) to bring slightly low adrenal function up to its proper normal daily range is often helpful.
Take a daily multivitamin to provide nutritional support to the adrenal gland.
Vitamin C 1,000-3,000 mg a day
L-Theanine 100-400 mg a day
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) 300 mg a day
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), no more than 1000 mg of glycyrrhizin
About The Author
Valerie Balandra ARNP, BC is a board certified psychiatric nurse practitioner and holistic health practitioner. Her website Integrative Psychiatry. Net focuses on ways to identify causes of bio-chemical imbalances and provides natural treatments for depression and anxiety.
Diabetes: The $132 Billion Dollar Pandemic
by: Dr Robert Gamble
You know, it’s not everyday a fellow like me gets to announce a major paradigm shift, much less concerning diabetes …or any other medical condition.
You don’t know what a paradigm shift is? Well, if I mentioned events and names like: Gutenberg, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Louis Pasteur, and Werner von Braun …you would probably guess a paradigm shift is major shift in thinking…and you would be right.
Back in the 1960’s, Thomas Kuhn wrote a famous book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. In it, he destroyed the common misconception so many of us have about science.
We tend to think scientific progress is ushered in by a slow, line upon line, piece by piece development of thought over time.
Thomas Kuhn showed that, historically, scientific progress occurs in leaps …and is always confronted by a struggle with an “old guard.” The old scientific theorists hold tenaciously to their (usually tenured or profitable) positions and array themselves against the new discovery, attempting to drive it away.
But, the new guard – the new discoverers, inventors, explorers– takes the new discoveries and advances it over the thinking of the old establishment. Rarely is the old guard converted to the new patterns of thinking (new discovery). They just die off. The new position wins by attrition …truth…and perseverance.
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Diabetes: The $132 billion dollar pandemic
Diabetes is on the front edge of such a paradigm shift.
Diabetes afflicts over 18 million Americans. That is double the number of people with diabetes just since 1991 alone.
According to the CDC, one in every three Americans will develop diabetes in their lifetime. Let that sink in…one in every three Americans will develop diabetes in their lifetime.
It is estimated over 40 million Americans can be classified as “pre-diabetes” meaning they have blood sugar levels higher than normal but still below the type 2 diagnosis level which helps to define diabetes.
By anyone’s standard that is pandemic (goes far beyond epidemic proportions). The cost for this carnage is over $132 BILLION DOLLARS. So much expense, grief and sorrow…and unnecessary.
Diabetes: A reflection of our culture.
We are a fast food, sedentary, “get-our-fix-now” generation. More than one in every two Americans are overweight. We don’t exercise as we should. All of which affects glucose levels. Diabetes is a lifestyle disease…and we’ve got the lifestyle.
Diabetes: The important announcement
That said, diabetes is a condition which CAN be turned around. Glyconutrition is the new discovery shaking the medical and scientific worlds. There are four Nobel Prizes and MIT testifying to the fact that glycobiology is one of the 10 technologies/discoveries which will shape our world.
Glyconutrition is more than just a promising new treatment for diabetes. Many are starting to whisper “VICTORY” over diabetes in their approach to disease.
Whether that is the case, time will tell.
Oh no… The problem is not a failure of glyconutrition. It is the building block VITAL to healthy cellular function and it is extremely vital to the proper functioning of the IMMUNE system. Those are known facts.
Diabetes is an auto-immune disease meaning, your body’s immune system gets misguided messages. Thus, it starts attacking the islet cells in the pancreas which produces insulin. Voila...diabetes!
But, the problem is NOT whether glyconutrition really works. Anecdotal evidence (market buzz!) is already overwhelming in favor of glyconutritional therapy for diabetes. As is the professional research.
No…the actual science is NOT the problem. The problem is the old guard again. Thomas Kuhn’s book is almost prophetic. The old guard, the medical and pharmaceutical establishment, just can’t accept the findings of (their own) research… “What! A nutrient… to treat diabetes?” “Hogwash,” one can almost hear them say.
Actually, I wish they were saying that out loud. The reality is, they just ignore the issue. You see, too much is at stake. Like billions of dollars…uh… $132 billion dollars. All of that money (read, “business”) disappears if glyconutrition continues to “pan out” the way the research shows us. But, for now, the only thing “panning out” is a diabetes pandemic.
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Yet, glyconutrition gets shunned as an official diabetes treatment approach.
A study published in the 1997 issue of the Proceedings of the Fisher Institute for Medical Research showed that people with type 1 diabetes who were given glyconutrients “…reported a dramatic improvement in their health, including a decrease in vision problems, better wound healing, less infections, and lower blood pressure.” (Miracle Sugars, by Rita Elkins, M.H., Woodland Publishing, p. 26)
“Glycobiology has achieved critical breakthroughs in the medical field, primarily by addressing what could be the greatest plague in health care today -- auto-immune diseases. Multiple sclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, Crohn’s disease and colitis are just a few of these diseases.” - Dr. Neecie Moore, Ph.D. (cf. Rita Elkins, M.H. Miracle Sugars, Woodland Publishing, p. 18.)
Also, mannose (one glyconutrient) can stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin “…thus lowering the amount of insulin needed to control this disease.” (Miracle Sugars, p. 27).
Reality Check: The lives of 1 out of every 3 Americans are affected directly by diabetes and there is a $132 billion dollar diabetes pandemic running amuck in our midst. So, I sure hope this paradigm shift - glyconutrition - gets less opposition from the “powers that be” (the “old guard”), and is given its rightful place in the sun…soon.
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But, with the money being made by the pharmaceuticals and their drugs, and the astoundingly simplistic view of disease treatment (“Blast that disease with technology and drugs!”) it is doubtful if Thomas Kuhn’s “paradigm shift” will work out any differently for diabetes across the land.
The old guard will attack and ignore the discovery — arguably, the greatest in medical history in over a hundred years — and, a la Kuhn, they will simply go the way of the Dodo Bird and diabetes treatment will receive its due.
About The Author
Dr. Robert Gamble is retired from a very successful medical/surgical career. His articles are designed to encourage people about the exciting discoveries surrounding glyconutrition. Visit or write or…
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