Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It’s Your Health – The Incentive You Need To Diet Successfully

By Jim Nettleton

If you find yourself lacking in will to diet and lose that body fat, just consider the ultimate benefit you’ll receive from shedding pounds. No, it’s not that you’ll look better in that swimsuit or expensive outfit, although that is a compelling thought.

It’s your health. There are undeniable benefits to your health when you manage your weight intelligently. One of the major issues that come to mind is diabetes. An unfortunately high percentage of the population either has diabetes or is at risk of contracting it, largely because of being overweight or just plain obese.

The health problems that diabetes brings to the table are legion. Did you know that diabetes is the leading cause of blindness? That it is a leading contributor to kidney disease? Diabetes also radically increases your chance or having a heart attack or stroke, can cause erectile dysfunction in men and makes it far more likely that you’ll suffer high blood pressure.

Another serious effect of diabetes is that it contributes to snoring, which leads to poor quality of sleep and the resulting lower energy levels that this produces. All of this results in a vicious cycle; poor quality of sleep and the lower energy levels you suffer will make it more likely that you’ll eat more, in a subconscious effort to get more energy. That makes it more likely that you’ll make your overweight condition worse.

Losing a goodly portion of your body fat will help with all the above problems. It not only will help right now, but will also dramatically reduce your chances of developing health problems later in life.

The problem of being overweight and obesity is most severe in America, where our predilection for fast foods, a generally fatty diet and a lack of exercise has caused generations to be seriously overweight. Unfortunately, the problem is all too apparent in the young. In generations past, exercise was the norm. When I was a kid, we had to fight to find a ball field to play on. They were all almost always in use. We were active during nearly all of our free time.

Today, with video games and general computer activity, kids don’t seek exercise and the result is all too apparent.

The consequences of today’s trends in being overweight are severe and present long-term serious challenges. It all starts with diet and weight management. You’re never too young to begin controlling your weight in order to avoid the major health problems that being overweight or obese will present throughout your life.

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For Your Health Care: Consider Alternative Medicine And Natural Healing

By Jim Nettleton

There is a growing worldwide movement underway extolling the benefits of alternative medical treatment for a wide variety of human ailments. There have been many extremely reputable and competent organizations that have developed over the last couple of decades that are comprised of highly respected physicians, nutritionists and other health professionals that are leading the way in the trend toward natural treatments that usually produce no harmful side effects.

Organizations such as the Health Sciences Institute, Natural Healing and Alternatives, to name a few, have been dedicated for years to publicizing natural healing approaches that have been sadly neglected and even denigrated by mainstream medicine.

They are battling an entrenched system, championed by such organizations as the FDA and AMA that are highly reluctant to recommend or endorse anything that has not been produced by the crushingly powerful pharmaceutical industry. Strange, how potentially deadly products with clearly demonstrated serious side effects have been routinely endorsed by these institutions, but potentially helpful natural healing products have been aggressively attacked – the institutions are, after all, supposedly on our side.

You owe it to yourself to look at alternative treatments that indeed have been proven effective. I refer you to the Health Sciences Institute for their totally free health alert updates, delivered via email. HSI is a consortium of over 90,000 natural healing physicians worldwide. You can contact them at 1-888-213-0764.

Always in the forefront of natural healing has been Dr. David G. Williams, with his excellent publication, Alternatives. Contact Dr. Williams at his customer service phone number, 1-800-527-3044.

Another outstanding natural healing advocate is Dr. Julian Whitaker, who has been in the forefront of this revolution since 1979 and has been a pioneer in fighting the regimentation of conventional medicine. His newsletter, Health & Healing, has more than 2 million subscribers worldwide. Reach Dr. Whitaker toll-free at 1-888-886-8213.

There are many others deeply engaged in the fight for better, more natural care. You can probably understand why it’s a tough battle – there are many dollars at stake. Big Pharma doesn’t want people to know about inexpensive, natural, proven treatment. The stockholders won’t like it.

For example, there is a clinic in New Jersey, with which I’ve been closely involved, called the Cherry Hill Center For Molecular Medicine. They have achieved remarkable results using intravenous therapy on several fronts. Chelation is one – you need to talk to them about their dramatic results. I’ve personally witnessed them. Ask for Dr. Molly Fantasia at 856-489-0505.

I wish you all the natural best.

Copyright 2008 Jim Nettleton

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