Monday, October 6, 2008

Understanding What A Thrush Infection Is

Just by the simple act of being alive, the human body is covered by millions of good and bad bacteria, this is not as a result of not bathing and cleaning oneself.  On occasion the bacterias get out of balance and multiply rapidly causing infection, Thrush is one of these infections.

One of the many bacteria’s that lives on the human body is Candida Albicans. This bacterium is found on and in about eighty percent of the human population. Candida Albicans can be found in several areas of the body including the colon, vagina, stomach, throat, mouth and rectum. Under normal conditions Candida Albicans do not cause any problems but an over stimulation and growth of this bacteria can lead to a thrush infection or candidiasis.

A thrush infection is not a serious problem, but is occumpanied by major discomfort. It can also lead to a much more serious condition if it is left untreated, this is why anyone suspecting they have a thrush infection should visit a doctor for medical advice right away. If you are suffering from Persistent thrush it is important that you should be seen to by a doctor, do not ignore it.

Signs And Symptoms Of Thrush Infection.

Oral Thrush: Having white creamy patches in the mouth is the most common sign of an oral thrush infection. In addition you may have red spots in the mouth, crusts forming at the corner of the mouths and difficulties swallowing.

Vaginal Thrush: A vaginal thrush infection is most commonly recognized by a white creamy discharge.  Often this discharge will be accompanied by burning and itching in the vaginal area. The lips of the vagina may also swell and become red with tenderness when touched. Women are the main sufferers of thrush, about seventy-five percent of all women will have a thrush infection at least once in their lives.

Prevention Is Better Than a Cure

How do you avoid getting a thrush infection? In normal conditions a normal amount of yeast is present and is important for good vaginal health. One good way you can prevent a thrush infection from occurring is by Limiting sugar intakes as this is beneficial to preventing a thrush infection since thrush thrives on sugar. You can prevent the recurrence of a thrush infection by eating a low sugar diet. You also want to allow the infected area to breath by wearing cotton undergarments, pants and skirts and make sure you clothing is loose fitting.

Self treatment by using over the counter medication is not recommended since some antibiotics and other medications can make the infection worse. Before trying any kind of treatment it is best to seek the advice of a doctor. If the infection persists it is most important that you revisit your doctor so that he or she may carry out further tests to examine wether there is another cause for your continued disorder.